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27 - 35 York Crescent Sarnia Ontario, Canada

27-35 York Crescent

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27 Turner Drive Condominiums
# of Units 86
Built 1990
Registered 2003


Two addresses, one large complex. 27 York Street consist of eight clusters of units with a backdrop of trees to the west in an area known as the “Howard Watson Nature Trail”. 35 York Street is on the eastern side of the complex backing onto Wellington Street and the “Clearwater Community Centre Park”.

In total there are 15 clusters of units. Cluster sizes are 4 – 7 units. Yellow sand coloured bricking, tan siding, brown shingles, gas heat, covered front entrances, one upper window is semi-circular on each unit. Full side bricking on some clusters but not all. Sliding rear glass doors on all units to fenced in back courtyard areas. Open parking. A set of hydro lines to the north west. Nice spacings between clusters.

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